The Case Against Civil Disobedience

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Civil Disobedience is a deliberate violation against the law in order to invoke change against a government policy. Civil disobedience can come in the form of running a red light or j-walking, or in more noticeable methods such as riots. Coined by American author and poet Henry David Thoreau, the term has developed to define the act of disobeying a law one sees as unfit or unjust. Usually the purpose of civil disobedience is to gain public attention to a perceived injustice and appeal to or gain support from the public in a non-violent way. The idea is to force the government to negotiate or else continue with the unwanted behavior; or in simpler terms, to “clog the machine” (“Civil Disobedience”). It is believed by many that the act of civil disobedience is justifiable in a democratic government like that of the United States. A Democracy is defined as a form of government controlled by elected representatives or by the people themselves. However, in order to have a stable government, it must be built on a stable society. Societal welfare is the general good for the public and how its members take action to provide opportunities and minimum standards. According to societal welfare, which is the sake of the emotional and physical well-being of the community, the laws must be abided and civil disobedience is morally unjust in our society. Once any member of the society questions the affairs of the state, the state may be given up for lost (“Jean Jacques Rousseau”).

Morality is the principles and standards set by society for evaluating between right and wrong. “One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws” (A Natural Law Approach 284). Unreasonable laws created by a democratic legislature can very e...

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...ues above the overall well-being of the state, the state would cease to exist and its benefits could not be enjoyed by anyone.

If the citizens in a society do not obey the law, anarchy will ensue. Anarchy is a lack of government, a state of total political disorder and lawlessness due to the absence or incapability of a supreme power. Military rule in Indonesia and authoritarian rule in Singapore and Malaysia have led to a persuaded efficiency that was later torn apart by stress. The system broke down in social chaos, riots, and civil disorder that did not lead to fairnesss or justice. The same fate is probable for the United States, if every individual tossed aside the importance of the law. A law is an important system of rules established to maintain order and function of the state. Without the effectiveness of laws, society as we know it would crumble.

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