Benefit Of College Education Essay

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Most actors, and musicians, don’t even finish high school, other’s have tutors that help them on the road, or whenever they can. The idea of continuing their education after high school is a scary thought. More strenuous coursework, adjusting and fitting in with a peer group and finding a way to pay for an expensive college education can be intimidating. However, in an economy where many are looking for jobs, the importance of a college education cannot be measured. The benefits of college far outweigh the stresses. College education is necessary in order to be successful because,In college they take you step by step to understand the real world,Help you with student loans,and it also prepares you for job readiness.

College take you step …show more content…

However, your job search shouldn't begin when you graduate. Career planning and preparation should occur throughout your college studies. You do not need to settle on one area to pursue right away, and you can change directions. But be sure to prepare for the long run — for your lifelong career or multiple careers.There is a myth that if you have a college degree, you have a job. The fact is that it takes the average college graduate three to six months to secure employment after graduation. You need a career-seeking strategy and a little experience. Otherwise, you're likely to be just another resume in a stack of hundreds.As a future employee, a college student with a disability faces unique challenges. Like other students, you need to find a way to meet the specific qualifications of the desired job. You also need to demonstrate that you have transferable skills — in other words, skills you've acquired through education and previous work experiences. Transferable skills include communication, trouble shooting, decision making, leadership, and problem solving. These are some of the skills that cross jobs, careers, and industries. Opportunities to acquire these skills are available on campuses nationwide.

In conclusion, College education is necessary in order to be successful because,In college they take you step by step to understand the real world,Help you with student loans,and

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