Ben Garrison Symbolism

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The United States (US) has always had some amount of political division, and this has become much more visible over the years. Much of the American public appears to genuinely believe that the Republicans and Democrats are fundamentally different and that these differences are near unreconcilable. Such beliefs were brutally apparent during the 2016 US Presidential Election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Despite this being the commonality, there are some outliers, some of which suggest that this division is nothing more than a façade. Illustrating his belief that the entire system is a fraudulent sham, Ben Garrison (the Rogue Cartoonist) draws an entity of truly massive proportions, marching onward as ever before whilst crushing people underfoot. Garrison uses a variety of symbolic images, including the enormous figure, the people on the ground, and the large megaphone to represent his perspective on the American political system. …show more content…

This entity, the system, is utterly gargantuan; the entity also stands tall enough to surpass the height of the clouds. The literal, tangible size of the being represents the sheer size and power of the American political system. The head is shown as a pyramid with the all-seeing eye, explicitly labeled as the “Global Elite Bankers”, representative of the corruption and shadow governance which Garrison believes to be prevalent in the US political system. The legs of the entity symbolize the two predominant US political parties, the Republicans and Democrats. Each leg is adorned with the colors of the respective political party, and are dressed in clothing which appears to be militaristic in nature, attesting once more to the power and force of the system itself. The legs are shown moving swiftly and powerfully, propelling the entity forward at a breakneck pace, without regard to anyone or anything

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