Being A Therapist Essay

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Being a therapist requires self care on a routine basis in much the same manner we ask of our clients. If we are not functioning at an optimal level how can we expect that from our clients? As counselors we recommend that they take care of themselves not only emotionally but also physically and we should be a model for them. It is our hope that they will grow and change as we need to do also. Kottler states that of the several stages a counselor goes through in their career the one that shapes him the most is why they entered the field. Of the items he listed I can identify with a few. I have a genuine interest in other people and concern for them. It is one of the reasons I have stayed with my job at school working with children in …show more content…

One of the ways I take care is to travel; I do not pursue tourist destinations, but the less traveled path. I enjoy exploring and learning about different cultures and places. It is where I find solace and also opportunities to paint. I also take care to keep up friendships through communication and meet-ups, this is important since they are also my support group. I am dedicated to exercise by going to the gym and taking walks on a regular basis. In addition, I meditate to improve my spiritual …show more content…

I keep several journals at once. I have travel journals in which I record places and events I have experienced. I also keep art journals with notes, sketches and sometimes pieces of nature that give me color ideas. Then I have my spiritual journals, in these I have collections of positive and inspirational quotes that I have come across. I often read this for affirmations as I need them. There are journals I have written with my children in mind, so that I can pass on thoughts and family facts they may enjoy reading. I kept a journal while going through my divorce and that has been to get a perspective on the trials I went through and gives me a sense of accomplishment I came this far with so

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