Being A Member Of A Discourse Community Essay

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Being a member of a discourse community means you are apart of a group where you share the same values and/ or beliefs of either a small amount of people or a larger group. Everyone is apart of a discourse community whether they know it or not. Be it your family, religious affiliation, or just a small book club. Whatever the group is or what they are about it is what makes you a unique person. I personally am apart of many discourse communities. But some of the ones I have been apart of for a while now have really left a mark on my life. These discourse communities that I am apart of are the LGBT+, Theater, and Drag Queen communities. All three of these have single handedly had a huge part on making the person that I am today and how accepting I am of diversity. As the being the confident human being that I am today did not just happen magically over night. Growing up gay in the world we live in today isn’t as bad as one would think it is. Yet when you come from a catholic family like mine it can possibly make things a little bit more complicated. One moment that I remember the most is when my cousin voiced …show more content…

Now in elementary school though I had my one and only lead as Swingle Cringle, but that was all the way back in the fifth grade. Which means I have gotten a little rusty over time and also means that I have one of the worst show resumes someone has ever seen. But that didn’t get me down. I still auditioned like everyone else but much to not only my surprise but also my moms surprise I was casted as Crony 1 for Beauty and The Beast but I was also casted as the only male lead dancer. This means that I got one whole line; “Crazy ol’ Maurice!” but it also means that I was good enough to be with the top dancers in the show. This really made me see that I am special and that I have some sort of talent. Yet it was something that I learned about within theater that truly helped me with my

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