Behaviour Case Study

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The area that I have chosen to focus my research project on is behaviour. As ‘good behaviour is a necessary condition for effective teaching to take place’. (Ofsted, 1993, p.1) in (Croll and Hastings, 1996, p.72)
Behaviour is a key aspect of society and often spoken about in the media. It is said that teaching children what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, will help them to being a better citizen in society later on in life, by shaping their minds right from wrong from an early age which a nursery setting does Smith (2004) from (Learning Theories and the Family, 2013) .
“Discipline is the process of teaching children the values and normative behaviours of their society. It is the guidance of children’s moral, emotional and physical development, enabling them to take responsibility for themselves when they are older.” This quote by Smith (2004) from (Learning Theories and the Family, 2013), shows why behaviour is worth researching.
What is your proposed title of your research project and what are your proposed research questions?
A research title should short, explanatory, clear descriptive (Pardede, 2014), were as good research questions should be ‘should be clear, specific, answerable, interconnected and substantively’, (Punch, 1998, p.48) in Robson (2002).This is why my research questions directly link to my research title and follow on from each other.
My research title is: How is behaviour controlled in a nursery setting?
1. What are the strategies in a nursery setting to control behaviour?
2. Are these strategies working?
3. What other factors are seem to be important in managing behaviour?
Identify three key texts relating to your research area and briefly state how these are relevant to your research?
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...hed based around controlling behaviour in a nursery setting to help me collect data. However if I used this methods, I would need to consider the reliability, ethics and validly of the information, which may be more of a problem then a solution.
However to overcome any problems I may face when carrying out my research project; I intend to do a pilot study which will help improve and solve any problems I may have. As pilot study is referred” to -called feasibility studies which are "small scale version[s], done in preparation for the major study" (Polit et al., 2001: 467) in (Teijlingen and Hundley, 2001). By conducting a pilot study it will give me advance and warning about were the project could fail, what needs to be improved and also whether proposed methods and instruments are inappropriate or too complicated. (Teijlingen and Hundley, 2001).

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