Becoming A Neurosurgeon

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Neurosurgeon Being a Neurosurgeon takes a lot of responsibility through high school and college. It is long and hard but can be really fun. Has a Neurosurgeon, college is long and expensive, and is quite hard with the learning and exams. The main part of a Neurosurgeon is working with the brain, but you will do other stuff as well. Once you get through college and residency, you will make good money but you will still have major college bills to catch up on. The main parts of being and becoming a Neurosurgeon is, Going to college for a long period of time, working with and doing surgeries on the brain, and getting good money and paying college bills. Eventually after you got through your high school years, it is time to choose your profession and college choice. If you choose a neurosurgeon it will be an amazing, but hard experience, but you can get through it if you try your hardest. For a neurosurgeon you may get a lot of great colleges for that profession, but you have to choose the one that benefits you the best. Once you start your first year of the college you chose, you will have the opportunity to keep the grades high and impress the professors. Many surgeons say that the harder you work coming into the college program the easier it will be for you to pass the program. They are always …show more content…

When you are a complete neurosurgeon you will finally get to do procedures on the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and extra-cranial cerebrovascular system. When you first start out as a surgeon a more experienced surgeon will still scrub in to help you if you get confused, but mostly you are on your own. Some people are scared to do be by themselves but others are excited and maybe a little nervous. Some people can't do it, but some people love, and enjoy saving peopleś lives. It is a scary process but you will get the hang of it eventually, and it will be easier every

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