Becoming A Crime Scene Investigator Research Paper

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My Journey to Becoming a Crime Scene Investigator A crime scene investigator (CSI) is a specifically trained law enforcement officer who collects, documents, and preserves evidence at crime scenes to aid in the arrest and prosecution of criminals. This covers anything from fingerprints and DNA samples to blood stains, fibers, and empty shell casings (“How to Become a Crime Scene Investigator”). The process of becoming a crime scene investigator is very detailed and requires a lot of persistence and perseverance. My journey to becoming a crime scene investigator involves obtaining a bachelor's degree in criminal justice, completing interviews to acquire a position, and receiving extensive on-the-job training. Obtaining a bachelor's degree in …show more content…

Furthermore, interacting with experts in the area during these internships will allow me to gain knowledge of the everyday obstacles and advantages of working as a crime scene investigator. Completing interviews to acquire a position is the next crucial component to becoming a crime scene investigator. Interviews confirm whether or not I am likely to succeed within the organization and on the job (Psi). Interviews will also evaluate my work experience, introduce me to the company, assess my hard and soft skills, discover how qualified I am, and define the position and company expectations (“Why Interviews Are An Important Part of the Recruitment Process”). Additionally, interviews allow me to exhibit my understanding of forensic processes, capacity to operate under pressure, and communication skills, all of which are required in the field of crime scene investigation. Furthermore, interviews allow me to demonstrate my passion for the position and my dedication to making a positive impact on the investigative team as a crime scene

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