Because I Said So: Movie Analysis

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Introduction Being a parent comes with different challenges. Some parents believe shieling a child to prevent mistakes he or she once made is good for the child. The film Because I Said So (2007) illustrates this. I chose this film because it models a common problem parents have with their children. These problems range from being too involved in a child’s personal life to lacking boundaries. Although, a parent means well, it may be damaging to the child which is the case in the film. The focus of this paper will be Daphne and Milly both who identify one another as the problem. Maggie and Mae are family members and will play important roles. Jason, Johnny, and Johnny’s father are not members of the family, but have influential roles in the …show more content…

This shows the family I accept their way of dealing with their issues, as well as respect them. Also the usage of tracking, reframing, structural mapping, and boundaries marking will be used to help the Wilder family. Accommodation will be used in encounters with Daphne and Milly. Daphne is dramatic, out spoken, and emotional at times. Therefore, I would approach her in a similar manner when explaining things. Milly on the other hand is soft, understanding, talkative, and emotional, so my approach would involve those elements. Tracking throughout the sessions will take place to reference back to things previously mentioned by Daphne and Millie. This is a helpful task because it gives the therapist a better understanding of the family and their problems. It is also helpful in showing each client how the other may feel about certain situations or …show more content…

The typically problems seen in families such as financial burdens, death of a family member, the parentified child, caretaker of either a mentally ill child or parent, and so forth was not the case in the film. It was also shocking to see a parent who lacked boundaries with her children to the extent of Daphne, she was out of control. It is understandable for a mother to want better outcomes for her children, to have the belief a mother knows best, and to want a bond where her children confide in her. However, respect and boundaries are critical to avoid family issues which can lead to therapy. My main concerns were Daphne’s focus on the past, her inability to follow boundaries and taking ownership for her actions, the use of because I said so, and Milly’s emotional state at times. All problems mentioned have a resolution if the proper help is implemented. The Wilder family has several family issues some of which can cause a person to have different reactions, but as a therapist it would not hinder me from completing my job. A mother does not always know best as the film illustrates Jason is who Daphne wanted Milly to marry however he was not the man for her. Johnny on the hand was not Daphne’s choice, but was the man for Milly. Overall, learning when to stop or let go for a parent can be difficult, regardless of the children’s

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