Beach Descriptive Writing

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It was the summer of 2015 in July. My family had decided to travel to the golden state of California. We were there for one week and on the second to last day before we had to fly back to the dull, but familiar Spokane Washington, we decided to visit the famous Huntington beach of Orange Country. I had heard of this beach but I had never previously been. People had described it as the most beautiful beach in California, so I was excited to go. I remember that we had rented the most hideous car that I have ever seen. It was a dull green that reminded me of the color of split-pea-soup. It was a minuscule box car that was suppose to seat five people. There are five people in my family and it definitely did not fit five people. Inside it had …show more content…

All I could feel from the back was a whisper of air that had me longing for more. We were all sweating. I could feel the door on my side becoming slick as my arm pressed against it and produced sweat in attempt to cool by body. I could feel beads of sweat dripping down my back and down my forehead into my eyes. It had to be a hundred degrees. What was horrendous was I could feel my brothers sweat trickle onto my skin at the point where our shoulders and arms interconnected. It was disgusting. There was nothing I could do about it at the moment so I tried my hardest to ignore …show more content…

It was heaven, considering I had been burning up for last twenty five minutes. Along with the air, the fragrance of salt water also rushed in and it surrounded me until could not smell anything else. I could hear the powerful waves crashing against the sandy shore. The segals were loud as they circled the beach searching for their lunch. Down on the beach people were chattering and laughing as they conversed. I could make out a few squeals as children would race away from the incoming water in a vain attempt to avoid it. I could hear the tires of the surrounding cars roll over the road and car doors getting slammed shut as excited people exited their

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