Assignment Qualitative Research

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Qualitative Research Method Assignment Over the past couple days I had participated in observing activities and social outings at the beach Fletcher Cove, in Solana Beach. During my experience a lot had happened that I had never noticed before. Before starting my research, I had an idea to leave my phone locked in my car so I would not have any distractions so I could maximize the potential for this new understanding. Spending 40 minutes at the beach for 3 days straight you start to realize things you have not payed attention to in the past.
Right when I got there I saw that the beach was not that crowded, there could be a couple reasons for this, it was weekdays so most people might have been at work and it had been pretty gloomy. The few people that were in the water were mainly surfing and wearing full head to toe wetsuits because the water is very cold. Other than the surfers, there was a couple tourists that had just excitedly jumped into the freezing water in just a bathing suit possibly because they had never been in the ocean before. It is really interesting to watch people who are not from here take in, and experience the beach in a way the local people normally do not. Sitting on the sand were the families in full clothes. Although this was a little peculiar I did understand where there …show more content…

Structural Functionalism is defined as, “a sociological theory that attempts to explain why society functions the way it does by focusing on the relationships between the various social institutions that make up society.” I thought the beach/park was a perfect place to see how families from across the country or even across the street interact to make up an interactive society. The sense of community is what some people chase in life, the sense to belong. When you spend time at the beach and involve yourself, pushing boundaries and starting new relationships, you can obtain this

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