Battle Royale Vs. The Hunger Games

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Battle Royale is a gruesome movie that explains what happens to a group of ninth graders from the collapsing Japanese government. Because the children in this society are so disrespectful, the government issued the Battle Royale Law. It stated that once a year a ninth grade class will be transferred to a remote island to fight for survival until one winner is chosen. In addition to this, they must challenge each other in three days, or all of the electronic collars on their necks will instantly explode. One of the main topic that the group explained during their presentation was that this movie contained many similarities like The Hunger Games. Both of the movies had a government that randomly the children and displayed a love interest with the main characters. In contrast, in Battle Royale, the facilities did not provide training for the children, but they showed them a video explaining the instructions of the game. Also, the children were not allowed to select their weapons, and it was difficult to distinguish and determine the main characters. Also, both of the movies had a facility that …show more content…

It helped me understand the state of the Japanese government, and the reasons and purpose behind the BR Law. Compared to The Hunger Games, the killing scene were more gruesome in this movie, which made this movie more difficult to watch. Aside from this point, I enjoyed this more due to the constant suspense, especially towards the end of the movie. It was shocking when Kawada formed an alliance with Shuya and Noriko throughout the movie, but he betrayed them by shooting the friends since they were the last people remaining in the game. Shockingly, all of the them survived the game, killed Kitano, and traveled back to their hometown by a boat. It was unfortunate to see Kawada die from a gunshot wound by Kiriyama, but it was comforting to see that friendship dominated over violence and

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