Batman Vs. Superm Dawn Of Justice

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Abilities Does Not Make a Hero

Recently, movies have shown heroes going against each other for example, Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. The audience can see which superhero is going to win physically but can people see which story is superior? There is a difference between story and abilities. So much people look at superheroes’ capability, people oversees the storyline. Superheroes are more than heroes, they are people who have stories to tell. They might not be real but they make regular citizens be inspired to be heroes. After all stories make us who we are. The most convincing story is Superman. Superman have shown three keys to make a story incredible.
According to successful authors, they know what makes an suspenseful …show more content…

At a movie theater around eleven o’clock, Thomas, Martha, and Bruce Wayne went down into an alleyway. Joe Chill approached the family and stole the pearl necklace from his mother. Thomas tried to protect her but got shot. Martha being mortified, she screamed. Joe did not want to hear the screams, so he shot her too. Bruce being a eight was traumatized by this event. His goal is now to avenge his parents. This way of getting justice is not proper and the story seems boring. The creators made Bruce Wayne mortify, so they can make readers pity him. Also, his parents were overused many times. It was the main reason why he became Batman. It was not from his own heart. He wanted to do it because his family was accidentally bumped into Joe. If his parents was not killed, he did not become Batman. He would probably became the CEO of his business and married to a wife with children. His story is not distinctive. There is another superhero from the same universe that has a similar tone. That superhero is named Green Arrow or Oliver Queen. “A playboy who inherited millions of dollars when his parents died, Oliver Queen never gave much back to society and lived his life how he wanted; of course he made many rivals and enemies.” (Comicvine) Oliver lived his life as a carefree man and made some enemies while he was flirting with women. They both inherited money from their dead parents. This story sounds exactly the same to Bruce Wayne. The only difference between them is that Oliver is more chill than

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