Batman Is A Hero

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Sometimes, people think that a comic book character is just fiction, that it can’t apply to real life. Comics can teach valuable life lessons if they’re just read. Many meanings can come from one book. Truth is stranger than fiction, and in this case, the truth is that Batman can teach us all a life lesson. He shows that you should never let your past affect you and be the best person you can be. The Dark Knight is my hero because he is willing to risk his life for ordinary people, he is more brave than the average person, and uses his past for the example to do good, he epitomizes the hero concept.

Batman is willing to risk his life to save an innocent person. Despite it being fiction, it shows a lesson for life that will apply to every human being. Not to think about themselves, but to think about others and the community (or city) as a whole. Many incarnations of the famous detective have come to life, but a favorite is Adam West’s version. The writers for the television show showed Batman in a friendly to all, helpful whenever needed fashion. It not only helped sell comics, but showed the American public hope during the 60’s and 70’s. It gave someone kids could …show more content…

Bruce Wayne was a product of the Doctor Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne. One night after going to see a movie, the young Bruce was with his parents traveling the streets. There he witnessed his parents murdered at the hands of small time crime boss Joe Chill. He eventually returns home to the stately Wayne manor and was raised by Alfred, the caretaker of the home. He became Batman to defeat the underworld that took his parents, but also to protect the other innocent from it. Though he has let his past get the best of him once or twice and handled a situation in the wrong way, every man or woman has that flaw. He uses his past as an example to protect the innocent like he could have protected his

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