Barrio 13 Essay

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Macaila Gilmore
Film Critique 2
Professor Durand
November 10, 2015
District B13 “As crime spirals out of control, the government constructs a wall around highest risk housing projects” is the opening line of the film District B13. This line vividly illustrates the premise for the film as well as the attitude the government has toward this Barrio. Barrio 13 is a crime and drug infested district, which resulted in the loss of schools, post offices, and many other government ran offices. Instead of attempting to rectify the situation, the French government has decided to sanction off this district and disregard any issues that occur within. The plot follows a Barrio 13 local, Leito, who is on a quest to restore order for his district. Leito is …show more content…

The French government officials have set walls between many ghetto, Barrio 13 included, and Paris to form a barrier of seclusion. Barrio 13 is considered one of the worst ghetto in terms of drug and crime activity. There is a clear designation of territories within France. Similarly to gang territories, there is a person in charge controlling the population. Within Barrio 13, the infamous Taha is in control of the police, drugs, weaponry, and people. Within Paris, the government officials control the population and attempt to control the secluded districts. The problems within Barrio 13 have gotten out of hand; thus why they have removed government ran businesses. Taha and his army of misfits managed to gain access to a very lethal nuclear bomb. This nuclear bomb has the ability to wipe out a whole city; i.e. Paris or one of the districts and is set to go off in a 24-hour time period. This conflict, the nuclear bomb, is the overt conflict of this film that the audience can identify. However, the nuclear bomb is not the only conflict. There is a covert message and conflict hidden within the plot. The covert message is the constant battle between government officials of France who wish to expel the evil within the ghetto of Barrio 13, the evil and evildoers within the Barrio, and the justice seekers within the Barrio. The different territories throughout France struggle for power and …show more content…

Leito, a loner from Barrio 13, gives his loyalty to his home not an individual or group. The plot exudes the idea, “one against it all”. Leito is a Barrio 13 local who tries at every turn to restore order into his home. However, on his quest for justice his plan, of bringing in Taha, backfired when he encountered crooked cops. The population in his barrio has for the most part given up. The majority of the population stays indoors or works for the drug lord Taha. Leito is unlike the rest of his population. He strives to restore order, bring back the schools, police station, and other government ran offices. For each conflict that arises within Barrio 13, Leito is there to try to save the day. For example, Leito attempted to get rid of Taha’s drugs, bring Taha in to be arrested, save his sister, and stop the nuclear bomb from going off. Leito did not realize until the last minute that the mission he was sent on by the French government was not of good intentions. He realized that the French government officials actually planned for Taha and his army to steal the nuclear bomb. The French intended for the code to be entered and the bomb was obliterate the whole district. This film showcases the importance of Leito’s role in society and his role of saving his

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