Balloon Rocket Research Paper

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You need to submit a science project soon, but unfortunately you procrastinated so bad that you don’t have much time to do a complicated project. Or maybe you just want to learn about simple science by doing an easy fun project. Either way, it would be perfect to do this balloon rocket project that’s both easy and fun. This essay will explain how to successfully make a simple Balloon Rocket, which is typically used as a science experiment. The initial main step to making a balloon rocket is collecting the materials from a nearby store or arts and crafts shop. The second main step is to set up the experiment in your home or wherever you are making the balloon rocket. The last step is to conduct the experiment and record the data on different aspects of the experiment. The initial main step is to collect all the materials you will need. First, you will need to get some measuring tape. It is important that you specifically get measuring tape and not a measuring stick, because you will need to wrap it around the balloon later. Next, you will need to get some string. After that, get a bag of balloons. Then, get a straw. Finally, get some tape and scissors. Now, all of the materials have been collected and at this point the first major step is completed, …show more content…

First, blow up the balloon to the first circumference that is on your table, making sure your circumference is accurate by using the measuring tape. Hold the opening with your hand so that no air leaks out, but don't tie it up. Next, stick the balloon onto the tape. After this, let go! Measure how far the balloon traveled using the measuring tape, making sure to record that data in your table. Repeat this two more times for the other two trials. Then, find the average and put it in the table. Finally, do the same thing for the other two circumferences. Now, you have finished your experiment and completed this

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