Back To School Research Paper

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Back. To. School. Never has three simple words had such power over human emotion. To a kid, “back to school” signals the end of summer fun and a return to strict rules and schedules--and worse, homework. (UGH!) To a parent, it can mean freedom; not having to drive a “bored” whiner from one activity to the next, or worry about where a teen is hanging out or what they might be up to. For the drained parent, those three words offer a Hallelujah! ray of light at the end of a ten-week-long tunnel. (Finally! A chance to breathe and regain some sanity!) For the child, it signals a time to reflect on what is about to be lost...and to grieve. (Okay, a tad dramatic, but we all remember how we felt that last week of summer break). By mid-August, most parents are knee deep into back-to-school preparations. Everyone with a school-aged kid knows how hectic it can be. Between appointments, paperwork, and shopping, it’s a wonder anyone survives. With everything that must be done in such a short period of time, parents often overlook how hard going back to school can be on their kid. …show more content…

Having a heart-to-heart with your student could help them let go of anxiety, develop resiliency, and, as a result, make them feel better about going back to school. Here is a list of suggested topics to

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