Baca vs. Bradstreet

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Baca vs. Bradstreet In Jimmy Santiago Baca's poem entitled I, and Anne Bradstreet's Verses Upon the Burning of Her House, both write about their dreadful experience of the burning of their homes. But the way in which each of the poets express this occurrence, with the use of different styles of imagery and the diction, can change the way the reader interprets the poem. The tone used by each poet is critical because it indicates to the reader their emotions. Therefore, by comparing these poems of Baca and Bradstreet, it will be evident that these elements of writing: tone, diction, and imagery; are crucial factors that will affect the way a reader perceives a poem. By analyzing the tones of these poems, one can see that they are virtually opposite. In Baca's poem, it is evident from the very beginning that he's setting a tone of utter disbelief and vulnerability. In the first stanza Baca states how he was "numbed" as he turned the corner to his home, and braced his body to prepare for the "shock" he would feel. The very second Baca saw his flaming home, he's filled with horror and disbelief. Near the end, when he walks into his room he falls to his hands and knees and looks through the pile of ashes that once used to be his poems. This part of the poem symbolizes his falling apart; when he falls to his hands and knees it shows the extent of his sorrow. While Baca is torn apart, Bradstreet's tone is ultimately one of acceptance. At first, Bradstreet's tone is one of grievance and lamenting, but in the middle of the poem it changes in which she states that she shouldn't grieve over the loss of a home that didn't belong to her; a home that belonged to the almighty man "that gave and took". In this quote, she's referring to God as being all-powerful and that the house has always belonged to him; and that he can give and take as he pleases. Therefore, she's willing to accept the burning of her home, if its Gods will. The imagery in both poems is very descriptive and vivid. In second stanza, Baca gives a vivid description of the busy scene, describing the crowd of neighbors and firemen that had gathered around "the charred husk of our(Baca's) house".

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