Aztec Software and Mind Tree Technologies

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Aztec Software and Mind Tree Technologies

Aztec Software is a focussed application and solution development organization that offers quality and full cycle development services in their core focus areas of server and middleware technology, XML, Internet technology and database internals.

The company is founded by S.Partha Sarathy, (BTech from the IIT M, MBA from IIM A) and Govindarajan V.R, (MS in CS from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst). The company is promoted by K B Chandrashekhar, The Co-founder and Chairman of Exodus Communications Inc., a $22 billion Internet services organization. He has personally invested in two Indian companies, one of them being Aztec.

Technology :

At Aztec -- they understand what it takes to architect and build an ASP Infrastructure. With live ASP customers, ASP Architecture expertise, their product using which they served up list marketers on the web, and technical expertise par-excellence in XML, Net Infrastructure, & Databases, they have developed the AzASP Framework™ (find out more about this by visiting their website : in the AzExpertise Section).

Stock Options :

Aztec Software offers a very unique stock-option plan to all its employees.There is no lock-in period and the shares are vested with you @2% for every month put in by the employee with Aztec Their philosophy is to "create wealth and share wealth".

Customers :

Aztec list of customers includes the most prestigious names in the industry like Microsoft, IBM, Enterworks, Digital, Ardent Software, etc

MindTree Consulting

About MindTree (

Imagination, action and joy are what MindTree is all about. One of the most

high-profile start-ups to have been formed last year, MindTree is a mission

by itself led by stalwarts of Indian IT industry, Ashok Soota (ex-CEO of

Wipro Infotech ) and Subroto Bagchi ( Founder of Lucent, India ). Clear-cut

goals to be the post-millennial organization, to create an international

consulting company operating in ebusiness and convergent technology space,

to be an institution that will simultaneously focus on six different

aspects—domain, tools, methodology, quality, innovation and branding.

Four realistic targets have been set for 2005—achieving sales of $123

million, setting up four development centers internationally, committing a

significant portion of profit after tax to support primary education and

substantial wealth creation. The company plans to extend stock options

across the board, right from the front office person to the Chairman. The

founders of MindTree have taken up knowledge dissemination as a personal


As regards its business aspect, MindTree has two areas of focus—e-business

and t-business. While the former is about consulting and implementation of

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