Ayn Rand's Idea Of Altruism

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Ayn Rand’s followed the idea of ethical egoism. This idea wants people to do what is in their own self-interest. That is why she does not believe in the idea of Altruism. She even stated, “Altruism, she thought, leads to a denial of the value of the individual” (page 73). This belief thinks that you should put others before yourself. In the book it also stated it stated this about egoism, “This is the morality of selfishness. It holds that our only duty is to do what is best for ourselves. Other people matter only insofar as they can benefit us” (page 65). In other words she believes that the only reason why you are helping someone is because in some type of way you are getting something out of it. Ayn Rand’s idea of ethical egoism reflects the way people really act. It stated on page 71, “The theory only insists that the benefit to others is not what makes the act right. Rather, the acts is right because it benefits you.” In other world if you are not going to get anything out of it, then you are not going to do it. They are doing what they believe is purely best for themselves. They do not car if they are affecting, even hurting the people around them. I believe that this is a very selfish way to live. I do not believe that it would work as a practical system for determining what is good and bad, and right from wrong. I …show more content…

Ethical egoism believes everyone should pursue what will benefit them, and does not keep in mind of the people around them. It stated in the book, “What is the difference between me and everyone else that justifies placing myself in this special category?” I think this is a great question, I do not believe you are superior to the people around

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