Avril Lavigne Conspiracy Theory

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Avril Lavigne Has Been Dead Since 2003 Conspiracy Theory American economist Thomas Sowell once expressed “One of the reasons for conspiracy theories is an assumption that people in high places always know what they are doing. When they do something that makes no sense, devious reasons are imagined by conspiracy theorists, when in fact it might be due to plain old ignorance and incompetence” (Sowell). Otherwise expressed Sowell explains how conspiracy theories are due because most people refuse to accept that not everyone knows what they do and if they made a bad decision or a mistake, it is not due to ignorance--something normal among humans--but to; different and foolish reasons. A Brazilian blog in blogspot.com started the “Avril Lavigne …show more content…

The Brazilian blogger deduces that after Lavigne was replaced, Vandella might have felt guilty and as if she owed Lavigne some sort of tribute, she did pay her by leaving small subliminal messages in her song’s lyrics and music videos. Following what the lyrics of Nobody’s Home and My Happy Ending assert, the blogger infers that Vandella could be sharing with the outside world how Lavigne, looking for someone to bent all her sadness and stress went to her parent’s home but found the house completely empty; then Vandella explains that she committed suicide by hanging herself off the ceiling emulating a mobile. Avril might have never wanted to end up the way she sadly did, so she might have tried to look for help before taking such a drastic decision; since the only person she ever had support from was gone, she tried to look for it on her parents but found herself disappointed and feeling worse. The brain as a human organ tends to consider suicide as a way to end all problems and stress; furthermore, for a depressed and desperate person, there are no second doubts. Melissa expressed on My Happy Ending “In a city so dead. Hanging so high. On such a fragile rope” (Lavigne). Melissa who is called in this case by the blogger the “New Avril” might have--as the blogger declares--experienced waves of guilt through the beginning of her new career as a singer because she knew that replacing a friend of hers that had died and worse of all, knowing that she was doing it just for money and fame, has never been a morally appropriate. It seems to the author as though Melissa has tried to make this feeling clear through the music. Avril Lavigne’s second album was released after the date of her supposed death and took two years after the last one to be released to the fans and the public. Fans started noticing the differences between both CDs from handwriting to

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