Avoiding Processed Foods

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Processed foods have played a responsible part in our nation due to its health concerns. They are very tasty and often addictive too kids and young adults because of their high levels of sugar, sodium, and fat content. Almost everyone in the twenty first century has been used to eating processed food as part of their daily diet. Kids are always seeing eating a bag of chips rather than munching on an apple. Processed foods can increase your risk of being obese and getting diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. According to the article, Avoiding Processed Foods? by Sharon Denny, it states that “… processed foods is more than boxed macaroni and cheese, potato chips, and drive-thru hamburgers.” Surprisingly, homemade soup or …show more content…

Have you ever heard of something called a food processer? I think we get really caught up in the word processed without realizing what it truly means. Processed food falls on a spectrum from minimally to heavily processed.” In other words, Giancoli is defining that almost every food is processed but it all depends on what type of food it is and how they are packaged and preserved. For example, minimally processed foods include “… bagged spinach, cut vegetables, and roasted nuts…” which hold the purpose of simply facilitating us for our convenience. Canned beans, tomatoes, and tuna, and frozen fruits and vegetables are great options of processed foods. These are splendid sources of processed foods because they lock in nutritional quality and freshness. Present-day adolescents are heavily consuming ready-to-eat processed foods such as crackers, deli meat, and chips which are all heavy processed with high contents of …show more content…

Sugar is not just supplemented in pastry items, but also in various sorts of breads, pasta sauces, and cereal. Carbohydrates are a variety of sugar, and it also contains the naturally occurring amount of sugars in the food. “We think that just because a product says ‘organic’ or ‘natural,’ that means it’s better and healthier for us, but that’s not always the case…” This quote summarizes that we should judge a product by what it says on its box labels, but by looking at its ingredients. In order to find the types of hidden sugars in a product, we should take a glimpse at the ingredients. Products with added sugar usually always mention that there are amounts of “… sugar, maltose, brown sugar, corn syrup, cane syrup, honey and fruit juice concentrate.” in them. Another ingredient that is high in a lot of processed foods is called sodium. Sodium plays a role in canned vegetables, soups, and sauces by enhancing the taste and texture. It acts like a preservative. “Three quarters of our sodium intake comes from processed foods…” “We need some sodium, but we often consume much more than the Dietary Guidelines for Americans’ recommended 2,300 milligrams a day…” High sodium intake can lead to diseases such as hypertension, or high blood pressure. Some tips on how to avoid high sodium intake is by simply looking for products with low sodium content.

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