Avatar The Last Airbender

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There are countless television shows out there that connect to people on different levels, most of them being live action. Viewers of these shows will tell others it had to do with anything from realism to relatable traits found in various characters. One common thread that will most likely be shared between all of the choice is that being the show is not animated. However, I would argue that animated shows are just as good and even better than live action ones. One of the animated television shows that inspired me is Avatar the Last Airbender. This show taught me many life lessons over its course and showed me character struggles that I could connect to and learn from in my everyday life. Having characters that despite their fantastical powers be such down to earth people helped me connect with them even more.

Each and every character that the main character Aang encounters has not has an easy life but is dealing with the unusual situation of learning they have special gifts. Instead of letting their situation or what could be defined as a handicap by being born with these abilities these …show more content…

Instead she chose to be her own person and use her abilities to strengthen her powers. Let me introduce Toph Beifong. Toph is a blind girl born to a rich family who is treated fragile as if she can break any second. However, she proves that she is strong. She can earthbend and uses vibrations in the ground to tell her positions of other people and things as her seeing guide. In addition, she does not let her rich background cloud her judgement of other people or affect what others think of her. She makes sure that people see her for her abilities and personality and not for things she cannot control. What an incredible life lesson from an a beautifully developed animated

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