Autism Spectrum Disorder Case Study

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What is ASD? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that typically manifests before the age of three. Individuals with ASD have impairments in social interaction, communication, and behavior. This is referred to as the Triad of Impairments. Behavioral impairments include repetitive behaviors such as arm flapping or body rocking, being easily upset by minor changes to routine, and obsessive or ritualized behaviors and interests. Communication impairments include delayed speech, repetition of words or phrases, and unusual speech inflection. Social impairment is similar to communication impairment, but also includes having difficulty with interpreting communication, poor eye contact, flat affect, difficulties with playing …show more content…

This could explain the frustration that overwhelms individuals with ASD while in loud public areas and why they might react with violent behavior. Sensory hypersensitivity was found to be the second largest cause of violent behavior in people diagnosed with ASD (Bjørkly 2009). In one case study, a patient explained his violent behavior by saying that he felt compelled to physically stop a crying child and a barking dog because the frequency and loudness of the sounds were too much for him to handle. The patient believed that violence was the most effective way to end the significant discomfort he experienced (Mawson, Grounds, & Tantam, 1985). Regarding interpersonal communication, psychopaths are manipulative and cunning, while individuals with ASD tend to be more naive in their communication. When individuals with psychopathy are confronted about their violent activities, they are more likely to deny and lie about their violent act, whereas individuals with ASD are more likely to confess and be honest (Bjørkly 2009). This is important because it shows that when individuals with ASD are violent, it is typically not because they are malicious. Rather, it could be that individuals with ASD reacted too strongly to stimuli, engage in affective aggressive, do not fully understand the consequences, and potentially feel remorse for their …show more content…

In addition, the investigation of affective and predatory aggression in relation to ASD indicates that ASD is more strongly associated with affective aggression than predatory aggression (Wahlund & Kristiansson, 2006). Individuals with ASD are more likely to engage in violence that requires less planning and is carried out by more odd motives (Wahlund & Kristiansson, 2006). This indicates that ASD-status is likely not correlated with mass violence, which tends to be associated with predatory aggression which is indicated by conscious planning that engages higher order cognitive processes. Furthermore, the characteristics of violence in ASD individuals are differ from characteristics of violence in those with psychopathy. In reviewing literature on ASD, aggression, and associated comorbidities, we conclude that the link between ASD and violence could be better explained by the high comorbidity of ASD to various psychiatric disorders that are associated with violence if not properly managed (e.g., schizophrenia, ODD, CD). Although some features of ASD, such as social deficits, may increase the likelihood of violence, a conclusive link has not been found in the extant literature. In order to make any claims regarding the relation

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