Autism Essay

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Autism is described as a neuro - developmental condition affecting the way the brain processes information and how a person communicates and relates to others. Individuals with autism face challenges in three main areas of their lives: social communication, social imagination and social relationships; this is referred to as the ‘triad of impairments’. Characteristics may include lack of flexible thinking regarding interests, routines and rules, difficulty communicating effectively with others and deficits in understanding how to interact with other people. Additional difficulties may include sensory, physical and mental health difficulties. It must be noted that each individual with autism is different and how and to what extent each person is affected by these impairments is unique. The nature of autism presents a challenge not only for the child but for their families and people they encounter daily. As a result of these challenges and impairments people with autism may find it difficult to build critical skills that may enhance their general happiness and health. There are many behavioural interventions used to enhance language and communication, social skills and cognitive skills, however anecdotal evidence and limited research show that difficult physical activities may be used in conjunction with traditional interventions to improve symptoms, behaviours and quality of life for individuals with autism.
Participation in physical activity is essential for everybody with or without disabilities. Regular physical activity throughout childhood is vital for healthy growth and development of bones, tissues and joints as well as cardiovascular fitness, strength and flexibility (Health Canada, 2009). Previous studies of children have ...

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... over a ten week period. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of water exercises and swimming on motor performance and physical fitness and to observe the developing swimming skills of a child with autism. The water orientation and beginner swimming skills assessment was carried out before and after the ten weeks training. After ten weeks the child’s balance, agility, upper and lower body strength and cardiovascular fitness had improved, it was also noted that the child experienced a reduction in stereotypical autistic movements. Pan (2009) also investigated the benefits of a ten week swimming and water exercise program on the on the aquatic and social behaviour skills of children with autism. Findings were similar to those of Yilmarz (2004) .She also found that there was an improvement in swimming skills and a reduction in antisocial behaviours.

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