Authentic Leadership Essay

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Chapter 1—Exercise: Your Life Story and Journey to Authentic Leadership
1. Looking at patterns from your early life story, what people, events, and experiences have had the greatest impact on you and your life?
My mother is my life guide. She is a very successful and smart woman. She taught me to be a kind and integrity person. At the same time helping me when I was facing difficulties, I remember what she said to me. 'The end result of one thing is success or failure, 50% to 50%, but if you give up that will be 100% failure. Because of fear of 100% failure and give up 50% success means you are coward. In fact, this sentence has been bothering me. I do not think that my mother is correct because I can see that if I do this, it will be 100% failure. But since I grew up, I have discovered that many things are not as difficult as you think when you started to do it. The difficulty is that I think too much, I fear failure, not I cannot do it.

2. In which experiences did you find the greatest inspiration and passion for your leadership? …show more content…

When I was in college, I didn't feel that I had any leadership skills. But with a lot of teamwork, I found out that I was good at analyzing and planning, so I want to be the person who guides the team. I always think that being a good leader is very charming. Because usually successful leaders have a lot of points. Leadership is not an individual's trait or quality but is the embodiment of an individual's overall strength. This comprehensive strength includes not only IQ, EQ, and even Advity Quotient. It also means not only the ability to make decisions, logic analysis, and communication and expression, but also the individual's unique temperament and social relations. Social resources also judge a person's success. I think that leadership is a mixture of competency and social

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