Australian Economy Essay

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Fiscal policies are government policies regarding government spending and taxes, to monitor and influence the nation's economy (Investopedia, 2016). There are several policy options that a government could choose from, among them being changes in government purchases, business taxes, income taxes, and transfer payments. In this essay I will briefly showcase the current economic condition of Australia, and what policies I think the Australian government should put forward.
Looking at data provided by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), Australia's economy is doing well. Economic growth is at 1.8%, inflation is manageable at 1.5%, the unemployment rate is relatively low at 5.8%, and household saving ratio is at 6.3%. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), economic growth will continue to grow and …show more content…

However, a contractionary policy could be used sparingly to ensure that inflation doesn't increase further.
One way to implement a contractionary policy is by reducing government purchases. The goal of reducing aggregate demand in this way, is to slow down unsustainable production or lower asset prices. Shifting aggregate demand to the left, lowers the price level.
Another route that can be taken is through business taxes. The government could increase the tax rate of business, also as an attempt to slow down production. However, according to Investopedia, "In modern times, an increase in the tax level is rarely seen as a viable contractionary measure". Instead, according to that site, governments should focus on decreasing spending. Personally, I prefer raising taxes to cutting government spending, as often times government cuts have negative effects on economically vulnerable people. For instance, benefits (transfer payments), funding for education and environment are some of the programs that are often first to be

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