Assistive Technology Research Paper

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There are many types of assistive technology being used and created to aid people who are deaf and hard of hearing. This technology helps them live their lives more independently, and can help them be able to do things that would otherwise be difficult\impossible. Here are some examples and types of what kind of technology is being used.

Alerting Devices
There’s a wide range of different alerting devices that are available; loud noise makers, flashing or strobing lights, and different vibrations can all be used to alert people who may be deaf or hard of hearing. A flashing light alert may be used in place of a doorbell, or alarm clock. Some people even use a device that you place under your mattress, which vibrates your bed as an alarm clock. …show more content…

Something as simple as video calling or webcams is both extremely accessible and helpful. TTY’s used to be the main form of telecommunication, before Video Relay Service or Video Calling became more obtainable and quicker. TTY’s allowed two people (either deaf and deaf, or deaf and hearing) to communicate through a series of typed conversations. Today, Video Relay Service (VRS) has really become the preferred way to communicate. This works by using video phones or webcams. If a hearing person wanted to contact a deaf person, an interpreter at VRS facilities can communicate between both parties by signing to the deaf person, and translating in voice to the hearing person. Similar to VRS, you have voice carry over (VCO). This uses a relay service to read incoming voice messages on a display screen. This allows hard of hearing people to still use their voice to speak on the phone, and makes it easier to reply to the person they are speaking to. Portable versions of VCO have been …show more content…

As time progresses, they are becoming smaller, more convenient, and much more powerful. Unfortunately, they are also very expensive. You can expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $7,000 for custom-fitted hearing aids. Sadly, most insurance don’t cover the price of them. This does not include cost to maintain and fix them in the future.
Why do they cost so much? Making hearing aids require a considerable amount of time and research. Of course, just like anything else, cheap hearing aids can be found. Keep in mind; you get what you pay for. Online stores are probably the fastest place to obtain a pair of cheap, run-of-the-mill hearing aids. Quality will most likely be poor, and they will probably fit uncomfortably.
Hearing Aids are made up of four basic parts: A microphone; used to pick up and translate noises, an amplifier to make these noises louder, a speaker which then translate those noises into even louder sounds that will be sent to the ear, and the faceplate which holds and connects all of these pieces together.


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