Auggie Vs Quarta

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Youre looking at a different me, than im looking at. By Susan Olsen, This is a quote about being different, by Susan Olsen. Auggie from the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, and Quarta from The girl who was born with only two arms and two legs by Stuart Baum. Are two characters that are both very alike in ways like being different and struggling to fit in. They struggle to fit in because they have disorders and get bullied because of them. The second reason how they are alike is that they both get bullied, and have few friends. Both Auggie and Quarta struggle to fit in because of their differences. They both have physical disorders, Auggie has facial disorders and Quarta,I bet you can guess what is wrong with her according to the title. Well if not, she has half the number of arms and legs everyone …show more content…

At Auggie’s school kids started a game where you can’t touch Auggie, and if you did you would have to wash the contact area with in thirty seconds or else you caught his deformation. This is very mean, I don't think anyone would ever want to be the one to have the game surround you. One way kids are rude in Quartas story are they call her a freak. They call her a freak because she saved someone's life. Yes, this sounds crazy, but it's true. This kid named Kake fell into a tidal pool and she pulled him out and saved his life. Right after that all the kids started chanting “Kako was rescued by a FREAK.” Now, kids were even more mean to her. Quarta can’t catch her own food at lunch time, so the teachers need to feed it to her. For this kids call her a baby, at Auggie’s lunch no one sits by him except for his only two friends Sommer and Jack Will. How would you like it if everybody was afraid of? So afraid they won’t talk or touch you. Well, that’s pretty much how Quarta and Auggie’s lives are. It’s sad to think that people are really that

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