Attention Getter For Single Adoption Essay

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I. Introduction: A. Attention Getter: Children that grow up with a single parent lacks the needed amount of support and stability they need in their life. This statement is false because there are many people in the world who are single parents and their children have a normal life. B. Tie to the Audience: Maybe you or someone you know have been influenced by adoption. C. Thesis Statement: Single parents should have the same right as married couples to adopt. Single men and women may not be able to conceive a child of their own but they can have the strive to nurture and financially support a child without them being related by genetics. [Transition: There are many reasons that people want to adopt. They might want to help a child in need or they might not be able to …show more content…

Some people might not have the option to have children on their own and adoption is the only option. [Transition: Now that you know why single people would want to adopt we will talk about the many advantages of single parenting.] B. An article on tells us a lot about the benefits of single parenting. 1. Single parents invariably have had happy and fulfilling childhoods and they want to share their experiences with their adoptive child. 2. Adoptive single parents use family and friends for extended support and giving their child full attention. 3. According to there are many advantages when it comes to single parenting. Some include you being able to make all the parenting decisions independently, your child being more responsible, and your child having your undivided attention. [Transition: Now that we have covered the emotional part of single parenting let’s talk about the financial information.] C. An article on tells us that some single men and women are able to provide better for their children than foster parents. 1. According to an article by Susie McGee, single people often have a higher education than people who get

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