Attachment Theory And Social Work Essay

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Attachment Theory and Social Work - Questions

1. An important trait in parenting is trust - the parent trusting the child allows them to grow up and develop independence, and not be so reliant on the parents simply because they can. Another aspect of good parenting is honesty, but honestly in a way where it is constructive and supportive, not critical and harsh, as the latter is only damaging of the child's confidence, but honest so the child does not grow up in a sugar-coatted lifestyle. A final important point to parenting is patience, where the parents have an understanding that the child needs time to learn and develop skills, and to not grow angry or frustrated when they make mistakes. Negative reactions from a parent can only discourage the child, and often stops them from developing specific skills further.
2. When there is a negative disruption between the child and parent, and therefore a lack of of secure attachment from the parent themselves, the child will grow to develop insecure traits which they carry …show more content…

Bowlby's Attachment Theory is somewhat conservtive due to his views that imply a mothering figure is needed and is almost a requirement in a child's life in order for them to grow up successfully, more so than a father, and that without sensitive and skillful parents/good family situation, the child is almost certain to end up in the same place as their parents, with a poor internal working model. However, his theory is a generalisation of all children with bad family situations, where in fact a child may grow up to have a positive lifystyle, even if their childhood environement wasn't, and often children from negative backgrounds will push to be better people than their parents were. Social workers and Psychologists may not agree with this theory due to it's emphasis on a mother figure, which implies they wouldn't be fit for the role of looking after a child, when in fact that would not be the case for the mast majority of social workers and

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