Atomic Bombs in World War II: Necessary or Unjustified

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“Remember Pearl Harbor—Keep ‘em Dying,” were words spat from soldiers’ mouths in the United States military during World War II. Anger filled millions of citizens in the United States after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Were these unresolved feelings between Japan and the United States the cause of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Did the United States have a concealed passion to show their strength and scientific advancement? Was the United States terrified of another invasion taking place on their soil? Why were the atomic bombs created and used in the first place? The actions of the United States were derived from the initial attack by Japan, which was due to Japan’s unwillingness to surrender. The atomic bombs were initially created because Germany was believed to be in the process of creating their own nuclear weapons. Many people in the world today believe the bombings of Japan were not necessary; that the bombings were the United States’ way of depleting the Japanese culture. These theories are completely incorrect. The truth behind this unresolved conflict is the bombing of Hiroshima was necessary, where as the bombing of Nagasaki was unnecessary. These actions all occurred because of Japan’s refusal to surrender, the United States’ want to save American lives, and the Allies’ want for the war to finish. In 1939, the United States was remaining passive towards World War II. They were choosing to stay inactive. Franklin D. Roosevelt first initiated the creation of a bomb “to counter Germany’s atomic program.” The original intent of the atomic bomb was to stop Germany’s progress in nuclear weapon production. The Allies dreaded the insurmountable casualties taking place throughout the war, but the United States remained isolated from the war until one horrifying event. America’s involvement in World War II began on December 7, 1941. Japan invaded the

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