Atomic Bomb Dbq

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History Essay – Hermanus van Staden (9.5) – 18 August 2016 The Dropping of Atomic Bombs My viewpoint On the 6th of August 1945, during the Second World War, an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first well-positioned atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion wiped out ninety percent of the city and immediately killed 80,000 people. Tens of thousands of more people would later die due to radiation exposure. Three days later, a second B-29 bomber dropped another A-bomb on the city of Nagasaki, Japan. Approximately 40,000 people were killed. On the 15th of August, just six days after the Nagasaki bombing, Japan’s Emperor, Hirohito, announced his country’s unconditional surrender in World War II. He addressed the nation …show more content…

Some people will argue “yes”, while others will argue “no”. In my opinion it was justifiable for the US to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Why do I say so? America had simply no other choice but to act against Japan in August 1945. The atomic bomb was dropped on Japan for no any other reason than for the fact that America was still fighting the war. When looking back then, Truman’s train of thought was to bring the war to a rapid end. A historian, David McCullough, said: “People living ‘”back then” didn’t know they were living “back then”, and to judge the decisions of people in 1945 by the standards of 2015 is not only a-historical, but it is pointless.” (Source: McCullough, 2015). He further said: “Truman and his advisers made the only decision they could have made and considering in the context of World War II, it wasn’t really much of a difficult decision at all”. (Source: McCullough, …show more content…

In other words that it had more to do with the Soviet Union than with the war in the Pacific itself? Did Truman only drop the bomb in order to impress the Soviets and establish US dominance in the coming Cold War? A lot of people would argue, yes by saying that Japan was beaten already. The fact is that Japan was not prepared to surrender. Japan where rather prepared to fight to the death. The invasion of the Japanese home islands was not similar to that of the invasion of Germany. In the case of Germany, the Nazi armies were squeezed in the middle between the advancing US and British forces, on one side, and the mass of enraged Soviet troops on the other side. To invade Japan would have been at a huge cost. It was estimated that about a half-million, both, Allied and Japanese lives would have been lost, and this being during the last months of the war. Young, American soldiers, who just finished infantry school, were immediately shipped to California to await the orders to carry a rifle during the invasion of Japan. Fortunately, and as harsh as it may sound, the use of the nuclear bomb was the main reason why the lives of so many American soldiers were saved. If Truman did decide to hold back and not drop the bomb – the war would have ended with even more massive bloodshed. What would the nations’ reaction be if Truman, at some point, did reveal the existence of the bomb, but did not

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