Understanding Asthma: A Personal Perspective

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Millions of people suffer from asthma.. Many of them have different things that can trigger an attack. (Thesis) What is Asthma?/Sick Building syndrome? First, what is asthma; asthma is a disease of the lungs that makes it difficult to breathe at times, but what is happening to someone during an asthma attack? The airways become restricted or more narrow when an asthmatic comes in contact with allergens making it more difficult for air to be present in the lungs. Coughing and wheezing and breathing difficulties are all symptoms or signs of an asthma attack . Whistling and wheezing are more common in children. Fits of wheezing or coughing are worsened by things like the common cold or the flu. Second, what could be possible risk factors I don't know? I'm not a goldfish. But I do suffer from asthma. for me an asthma attack feels like a bear hug that just keeps getting tighter. I can not think of a time when I did not have asthma.Although through the years the intensity and causes have changed. For me attacks can vary from shortness of breath and coughing. To try and get air, scary yes. But I know to try and relax and my inhaler it will stop. Massive attacks are not only terrifying for me but for those around me. The are sneaky and hit me from anywhere. A person walking past in the mall. Going in and out of air conditioning, pets, mold, and so much more. At the most extreme a full blown attack has caused me to pass out (this is truely, truely very rare) mostly it is extremely painful and uncontrollable heaving and scrambling for air, air that never seems to my teen years my body started to stack up on allergens. molds, flowers, bugs and cats and much more. it reached the point that all the allergies had the potential to cause me to pass out. Then i got pregnant, although my doctors were worried that i was going to get worse. Hospitalisation was a jord tossed around. my symptoms decreased during my pregnancy, the baby had shortened the lungs and made it easier to breathe. now it's progressively getting bad again, but having been there before i know how to deal and my family is

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