Pros And Cons Of Alternative Schools

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Assumptions and Limitations
Major assumptions that this study will be based on. a) referrals to alternative schools may be used as a mechanism to rid the class of problem students b) many referrals could be eliminated with extensive classroom management training of teachers. c) teacher's stereotyped perception of students in traditional and alternative classroom environments may have a negative effect on the learning success of some students d) alternative schools are not successful in modifying disruptive behavior and improving academic performance because negative values, such as alienation of the student, teacher perception, stereotyping by teacher, lack of proper classroom management training, parent problems at home, e.g. …show more content…

The study’s focus also addresses the possible need for more intensive training in behavior management for teachers. There should be no bearing associated with the researcher working at alternative schools and observing incidents that happened in the school, as long as safe guards for validity are incorporated into the research. A second potential limitation is the possibility of the Board of Education restricting the study to one district, rather than all districts meeting specific criteria as noted in the methodology section. If this happens, it will be difficult to use the data gathered to generalize the differences, if any, of other alternative schools in other …show more content…

(Gardner, 1993) d) Lack of teacher training in the principles of MI, perception of the student and student’s achievement in alternative schools may correlate to non improvement of behavior and academic (Gardner,

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