Assistive Technology Essay

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People with disabilities meet barriers of all types. However, technology is helping to lower many of these barriers. By using computing technology for tasks such as reading and writing documents, communicating with others, and searching for information on the Internet, people with disabilities are capable of handling a wider range of activities independently. Still, people with disabilities face a variety of barriers to computer use. These barriers can be grouped into three functional categories: barriers to providing computer input, interpreting output, and reading supporting documentation. (Ref. Burgstahler, Ph.D. Sheryl - Article, Working Together: People with Disabilities) Those who are blind or have low vision need to acquire a range of technology skills that will give them options for gathering and conveying information. Instruction in the use and maintenance of Assistive Technology is needed for people with visual impairments. Assistive technology enables blind and visually impaired people to access and store information from libraries around the world and the Internet. In addition, students with visual impairments can use assistive technology for note taking, studying for tests, research and a variety of other …show more content…

It uses either the Braille System which uses six large keys that correspond to the six dots in the Braille cell, the standard QWERTY keyboard, or both. Although each device offers different features, many can be used by Braille learners to read books, write class assignments, find directions, record a lecture, and listen to podcasts. Information can be readily transcribed in order to provide a means to communicate with peers, teachers and others who do not read Braille. Braille display can be used with the iOS device. Many Bluetooth wireless Braille displays work right out of the box with iPhone,

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