Assignment 1: A Case Study Of Deputy Crosby

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On the morning of 03/01/2017, at about 05:40 hours, I was requested to assist Deputy Crosby with an accident he was just in. He advised a deer had run into the roadway and he had struck it. He was located in the 500 block of west US 160. When I arrived Crosby showed me the area the deer made contact with his vehicle. The damage was a small crack to the passenger side bumper, just below the headlight assembly. I photographed the damage and made a KLER report, SUSO case #17-411. Crosby stated he had slowed down but was unable to steer to the rear of the animal due to oncoming traffic. He estimated his speed during time of impact at less than 30 MPH. On 03/02/2017 I reviewed Deputy Crosby’s dash cam video of the accident. While watching the

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