Assess The Benefits Of Multicultural Therapy

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America is the home to millions of people of different cultural backgrounds whether they are first-generation immigrants, minorities, religious, spiritual, disability, political, of the LGBT community or all of the above. Those identifiers are sensitive things for people to talk to about. Sometimes, it is hard to know who we can turn to in confidence that will understand who we are and what challenges we are going through.

Culture plays a vital role in how we view mental health. Each culture views it differently, impacts the likelihood of someone to seek help from a mental health professional, and the outcome of treatment.

Lucky for us, we live in a time where Multicultural Therapy exists. We are going to briefly explain what is and how …show more content…

Issues that arise for minority groups, such as oppression, racism, and marginalization, are relevant and recognized. The therapist is more culturally aware, and there is more emphasis on individualism than in some traditional therapy settings that take a more universal approach. Multicultural therapy is a form of talk therapy, but it may be combined with therapies that involve other activities, such as art or music, if these interventions can help clients communicate better.”
7 Benefits of Multicultural Therapy
As we mentioned above, there are many things that we take into consideration as part of our personal identity. More often than not, we are exposed to stereotypes and stigma when it comes to mental health. We need someone to help change our current perspective to be more positive and willing to seek mental health help, so we can be mentally healthy and productive individuals of society. Also, we want someone who will understand us on different levels whether that’s cultural beliefs, gender identification, race, religion and other social

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