Artificial Sweetener Research Paper

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Artificial Sweeteners: Are they truly healthy for you?
Artificial sweeteners have become a vital part of the sugar industry and are marketed as zero-calorie sugars that can cause no harm to the body, but do they truly cause no harm? Although these sweeteners do not directly cause health problems they do have very strong connections to the development of diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and misconceptions about weight loss. Saccharin, acesulfame, neotame, sucralose and Aspartame. Although you may not recognize these chemical compounds, you may have ingested some or all of them at some point of your life. Some drinks such as Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi contain these chemicals which are known as artificial sweeteners. The FDA classifies them as …show more content…

The Canadian Medical Association Journal published 2 cohort studies in which an elevated risk of Stroke was seen in subjects who ingested elevated and low amounts of artificial sweeteners. This clearly states that it does not matter how much of an artificial sweetener you may take you will soon enough be at risk for a stroke. Julie Corliss started, “That study detected a slightly higher risk of stroke in people who drank more than one soda per day, regardless of whether it contained sugar or an artificial sweetener.” Although her statement suggests there is no clear difference in stroke risk between regular sodas and sodas with artificial sweeteners she goes on to say, “Many studies have already shown that drinking sugary beverages on a regular basis can lead to weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.” By her account, drinking any type of sugary drinks affect health the statement but the CMAJ shows more research done and a wider range of people surveyed. In any case, the use of any sugar should be limited, and extra precautions should be taken when ingesting artificial

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