Artificial Intelligence Outline

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Executive Summary Artificial Intelligence (A.I) is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software making them behave like humans. Using a computer language to initiate the step-by-step reasoning that humans use when they solve puzzles or make logical deductions develops A.I. The need to develop A.I is to enable the use of the maximum capacity of humans and machines, which by research is considered unbeatable. The field of Artificial Intelligence strives to build intelligent entities as well as understand them. A.I is imbedded in our daily lives more than we realize. Due to the influence of the science fiction movies artificial intelligence is expected to be only exhibited by robots in action but we forget how our phones are getting smarter and so are our search engines, iPods, video games and toys. Human race is dependent on …show more content…

Yet it gives a sense of threat to the humans. A lot of humans dread the day machines would get smarter than humans and overpower the human race bringing up many ethical issues. A.I is currently highly dependent on humans and their ability to develop powerful computer entities with improvements in the capabilities of real systems, which can empower artificially intelligent machines. What Is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (A.I) is a branch of Computer Science that is concerned with designing intelligent machines and making them behave like humans. This is done using computer languages and algorithms. The focus of A.I is not only to make machines more intelligent than humans, but also to give them an ability to reason, understand, communicate, plan, solve, act and think rationally. For example, a robot that walks up to you and hands you a packet of chips when you say you are hungry. This is just one area using A.I, however its reach is vast and spread across all sectors and industries. How can AI help my

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