Artificial Intelligence Essay

555 Words2 Pages

Artificial intelligence was the most popular phenomenon of the decade of 1950s. Since then, there has been much debate about its impact on society especially in terms of human dignity, unemployment, and environmental damage.
At the onset, artificial intelligence was perceived to remove communication barriers and integrative remotely located people into a social whole. The foremost obstacle in achieving such an ideal was education. Obviously, only educated people could benefit from the new modes of communication. In consequence, society was divided along two lines: those who could communicate using technology and come together and the other part included those who remained outside of this ambit. The human aspect in interpersonal communication became too machine oriented resulting in loss of emotions which has been the hallmark of human communicative experience.
In fact, the marketers of technology present it in a way that conceiving life without seems impossible. At present, it’s the artificial intelligence dictating people how life should be lived. Humans resort to mach...

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