Art and Literature in The Renaissance and Scientific Revolution

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As Newton has said “If I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” The giants Newton references can be found in the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution. Art and literature paved the way to the discoveries of the Enlightenment. Although literature and art were important influences, science also caused change. Knowledge, beliefs, traditions switched drastically. The ideals that powered the Enlightenment made man curious and questioned science & traditions of previous generations.
When the art of the Renaissance began showing humans, man inquired the who? what? and why? of humanity. The “David”, by Michelangelo, pictured a man that had profound effects. (Doc 10) Art depicting man, woman, child, etc. piqued the curious of how man should be. Fulfilling one’s highest potential or becoming each his/her own, now slinked into everyday books, paper, even speeches.(Doc 9) Each individual determined that life was to be something more than, for example, religion, and that all could define their destiny. Literature examined various ways to learn a wide vari...

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