Art And Art: The Importance Of Art

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Anything creative can be considered art. But what is Art? “Art begins when a man, with the purpose of communicating to other people a feeling he once experienced, calls it up again within himself and expresses it by certain external signs” (Tolstoy, 1897 p. 38). And In art, visual media can be considered as more important than audio media. Before branching off into visual and audio media, as well as their comparisons, one must understand what art is, where it comes from and why certain aspects of it may or may not be considered more important than the other. Art has followed man and his development throughout the ages since our ancestors created the first tools. The most striking expressions of Paleolithic art were images painted on cave walls (Janson & Janson, 2004). Back up to 40,000 years ago, man was busy experimenting with art skills. By using simple pigments, great images were created and stories were told. Take those same ideals; fast forward thousands of years and you have modern day street art, or graffiti. It proves that human beings have an innate need to paint on walls, to communicate their plight or story in the most primitive way possible. Banksy, an anonymous English artist who specializes in street art would be one of the most famous modern graffiti artists …show more content…

Visual media may be considered as more important than audio media. I am now going to discuss the attributes and contributions towards media culture that audio provide. One of the main mediums in which we experience audio media would be music. Music, similar to film is a huge and expansive form of media. It can be subdivided into hundreds of genres and be used alongside many visual media outlets. An example of an evolution of audio media would be the genre most commonly known as “Rock”. The music we call tridtional rock now days did not start out the way that we hear

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