Arrow In 'The Cellist Of Sarajevo'

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A major character found in “The Cellist of Sarajevo,” is Arrow. Arrow, a woman, who possess extraordinary target skills, resulting in her recruitment as a sniper. Although Arrow, didn’t choose to become a sniper, she performs her task diligently, as she focuses on detail. She, however, does not work on someone else’s term but on her own. She is compassionate, her compassion can be seen when she shoots at the man who was to kill the Cellist, “I killed him because he shot at me and because I couldn’t trust him not to shoot later. I had no choice” (Galloway, 189). Much like Maria in the Sound of Music, she has compassion for the Van Tramp children, aware that their father treats them like workers. Arrow, exhibits a simple lifestyle, despite …show more content…

Aware, that she can escape the violence in the city, by obtaining a pass to the underground, she continues to fight for her city. Maria, like Arrow displays a simple lifestyle, with minimal worldly possessions, when coming to the Van Tramp house, she brings her guitar and one dress, declaring that she donated all her worldly possessions to the poor. Arrow intelligence is displayed in her tactics, and approach to killing the enemy. Although Arrow hates the men on the hills, she is aware that her morals aren’t corrupt, like most of the people found in Sarajevo, “She knows she no longer kills them because they are killing her fellow citizens. That’s just a part of it. She kills them because she hates them” (190). Arrow displays self-confidence, as she is aware of her strong skills as a sniper, as the men retrieve her to meet Colonel Karaman , they display a slight fear of Arrow, “They might not be sure if the stories they’ve hear are true, but they’ve heard enough to be afraid” (198). Self-confidence can be seen in Maria, who is sure of herself as a woman, she is confident, therefore making her the only successful governess to deal with the Van Tramp children, and their mischief. Maria and Arrow, although from different story lines, possess many similar character traits to one

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