The Cellist Of Sarajevo Essay

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Human life is a fragile thing. Many things can impact it’s emotional and mental well being, especially war. In the novel, The Cellist of Sarajevo, along with other texts and documentaries, we are able to see how war affects people in different ways. In the book, The Cellist of Sarajevo, we are introduced to three main characters, each struggling to survive during the Bosnian War. The novel gives us a window into their lives and allows us to live vicariously through the stories they tell. We are introduced to their daily struggles during the war and see how their outlook on life is affected by the fighting around them. One example of a character that was greatly affected by the war was Kenan. Kenan was a humble, well respected man that cared for those around them. Throughout the book, we see Kenan fighting with himself to maintain the positive outlook on life that he had prided himself on, but he constantly asks himself how he can be that person when people are murdered in the streets of his hometown. Although he fought against it, Kenan could not deny that the war had impacted him emotionally, physically, and morally. Even though the characters in this book, such as Kenan were fictional, it is undeniable that their realistic stories are inspired …show more content…

This can be related to the poem “"Childhood is the Kingdom Where Nobody Dies" by Edna St. Vincent Millay. The beginning of the poem can be related to naivety of a young child. Children are not worried about anything outside their own sphere of life and believe that everything will always be as it is. They think that, “Tomorrow, or even the day after tomorrow if you’re busy having fun/ Is plenty of time to say, “I’m sorry, mother.”” In prewar time, everyone is like a young child, unaware of the hardships they will have to face. When war finally strikes, people become nostalgic as they long for the pre-war ethos where life was easier and things were

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