Arrative Essay: Being Parents Is Not An Easy Job

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In today's world, being parents is not an easy job. Especially being parents to teenagers. But it is important to understand that being an adolescent is also not easy. The kind of pressures that either of them go through is tremendous.
The first thing that parents need to keep in mind with respect to their relationship with their children especially teenagers is to have an open communication with them. Communication needs to happen both ways. The child needs to be able to talk anything that is going on in their lives openly with the parents. This doesn’t mean that they are expected or forced to tell everything to the parents. They should be made comfortable to be able to do so. Parents also need to be able to talk about any topic to their …show more content…

It is never going to happen. Of course, you have been a teenager too. So some of the experiences that you had, may be common with your teenager. But some other experiences will be different. They are growing up in a different era, with different levels of exposure and understanding of the world.
Adolescents are not children, they are not adults either. It is a given that they will take decisions and make some mistakes. Let them learn from mistakes too. Don’t expect them to never commit mistakes or be too hard on them for making mistakes. Be their safety net as needed and let them know that you are there for them in any eventuality. Adolescence is the age when hormones are raging in their body. Their body is also undergoing changes. There will be attraction towards the opposite sex. Infatuations and crushes will occur. No amount rules are going to help here. There will be heart breaks too. Understand that this is part of the growing up process. As parents you cannot protect them from falling. But you can be there and help them get back on their feet again.
It is possible that your child has a different viewpoint, beliefs from you. When your teenager shares something with you do not jump in and criticize, lecture or advice. First listen to them. Get an understanding of what they are expecting from you and respond …show more content…

A lot of parents avoid talking about sex to their adolescent child. They think it’s the school's responsibility to give sex education. Others feel there is no need to talk about sex. Some parents feel that talking about sex will get the child start experimenting.
Curiosity regarding sex and experimentation is part of the growing up process. It is important that the parents are involved in making their ward aware of being safe. Though as a parent you may prefer your adolescent to abstain from sex, it’s better for them to be aware of safe sex too. They may interact with known or unknown persons online in an unsafe way and may lead to exploitation. You can’t monitor your child 24*7. And today internet can accessed from everywhere with a smart phone. They only way to keep your adolescent safe is to make them aware.
An adolescent , was brought for counselling by the parents because they found him watching lots of porn sites on the computer. Initially, the parents were not even willing to tell him why they have brought him for counselling. During the process of counselling it was found that he was engaging in unsafe sex too. Though he was theoretically aware of the safe options available, he had not thought about the serious consequences that may

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