Ariel And Caliban Research Paper

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Ariel and Caliban, are two of the main characters in the famous play The Tempest, written by William Shakespeare. They both serve the function of being enslaved to the same master known as Prospero. While they are servants to Prospero they are different in the way they obey him. For example Ariel is much obedient and sensitive. He believes that the ultimate goal is to serve and that true freedom comes in the service of others, therefore he complies with everything that Prospero wants of him. However, Caliban is a very different type of character. Caliban actually hates Prospero and serves him begrudgingly. Although he is his servant, he also plots to kill Caliban. Therefore he is very different from Ariel. Although both Ariel and Caliban serve the same master, they have very distinct personality traits at the core. …show more content…

Caliban is the exact opposite and more of a hot head and harsh character at the core. Ariel is much more light hearted since he doesn't harbor the same resentment towards his master Prospero. They are like the ying and yang of the other since Ariel is pure goodness and in many ways Caliban represents darkness and evil. This stands true since Caliban tried to violate another character named Miranda.

An example that can highlight how different their personalities are is when Caliban tells Stephano that Prospero actually stole the island from him. He was encouraging Stephano to murder Prospero while he was asleep. Furthermore he was strongly supporting that Stephano marry Prospero's wife Miranda and then take the island to rule over it himself. Ariel, actually became aware of this plot and instead of joining in the conspiracy, he did something very good natured. Ariel warned Prospero of the plan to murder him and help to avoid this tragedy. This points to the very point that Ariel is good and Caliban is

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