Arguments For Suffering Essay

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God hates it when he sees us suffer, but then why is there suffering in the first place? Shouldn’t an all powerful, infinitely good God prevent suffering? The fact of the matter is that it brings us closer to God. As this is a fallen world with the taint of original sin still looming over the human race God has provided us with a plan that would end all suffering. Many skeptics may argue that God is benevolent, but that he can’t prevent our suffering because he is not an omnipotent god. Another argument may be that he is not benevolent at all, and that he is a fiend who has the ability to stop it but doesn’t feel like it. If these arguments are true, then these beings aren’t the God we believe in at all. God is love, and if he did not love us; his creations, he would not have become man to suffer himself and die to redeem us. Suffering is a necessary evil that tests us and brings us …show more content…

God like a loving parent subjecting us to chemotherapy, we are in pain and we do not see the benefit at the time, but he is subjecting us to suffering for greater good. He allows us to suffer because he wants to awaken us to reality. This is a fallen world, tainted by the stain of original sin. He also does this to test us, to better ourselves in Christ and to weave righteousness into our hearts. He gives us an opportunity to love him, a free choice, to give him glory, to merit this glory, and participate in his work of redemption. Physical pain itself teaches us that we are very limited and this helps us survive. Without pain we can’t learn to be moral or responsible people. Skeptics may argue that disease and natural disasters either prove God is not benevolent or that he doesn’t exist at all. However, this is a result of Adam and Eve’s rebellion against God. This consequence is actually a blessing, as before, it teaches us our

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