Arguments Against Manifest Destiny

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In 1840, many Americans believed that God was commanding them to expand, that expansion lead to a population growth which necessitated territorial expansion, and that national expansion equaled the expansion of freedom. This belief became known as Manifest Destiny. “The Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States was destined or endowed by God with the mission of expanding across the continent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific” (Dudley, 2016). Manifest Destiny focused on the virtue of America’s people and government.
There were many different interpretations and opinions regarding manifest destiny. Many people supported manifest destiny for patriotic, economic, moral, or spiritual reasons. Some southerners supported manifest destiny because they thought it would help spread slavery. However there where those that opposed manifest destiny because they believed that its supporters were using it as an excuse to justify their own means or way of living. Over the years because of the manifest destiny slavery increased because of the expansion of the United States. Manifest …show more content…

“The Manifest destiny touched on issues of religion, money, race, patriotism, and morality” (Independence Hall Association , 2014). The United States wanted to expand the country to rid itself of European neighbors, provide more farmland for the people, and even find a trade route to India. The notion seemed perfect for everyone, but as soon as the idea became a reality, the original motives seemed less important and new motives became the primary focus pushing expansion. The north started condemning the south for wanting to expand slavery into the new territories and central America; while the southern states accused the north of trying to ruin their economy and way of life by forbidding slavery. These accusations this led to a series of new attachments, bills and eventually the civil war. (Dudley,

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