Arguments Against Liberal Feminism

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Liberal Feminism is a particular approach to achieving equality between men and women. Liberal feminism emphasizes the power of an individual person to alter discriminatory practices against women. This particular type of feminism accepts the organization of our society, however, seeks to expand the rights and opportunities of women, in part by passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. Most Liberal feminists believe that women should advance according to their own efforts, rather than working collectively, and want to use democratic process to help women and men become more equal in the eyes of the law, society, and the workplace. Liberal feminists use the available resources and tools to advocate for change. These include lobbying legislators, organizing women into larger groups that can speak a high level, and raising awareness for the issues they are currently battling. Some common issues Liberal Feminists battle include; equal access to education, equal pay, ending job sex segregation, better working conditions. All of this is won primarily through legal changes. Gaining access and being paid and promoted equally in traditionally male-dominated occupations is an important goal for liberal feminists. …show more content…

The president of a prominent taxpayers’ group has discounted them as “self’annointed do-gooders” who squander public money. Along with this, the chairman of the county chapter of the Christian Coalition recently claimed their “so called people’s agenda: as a front for Planned Parenthood. However, it is hard to deny their political influence. During a budget process, government-elected officials said that it was clear that the newly formed feminist group had become a lobbying force to be reckoned with. The roots of feminism are in gentle tradition, however their strength now lies in the fact that 53 percent of registered voters in the county-- as in the rest of the country-- are

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